Key Card Envelopes protect key cards
Our custom-printed hotel key card envelopes are a logical choice in protecting keys from hazards such as drink spills that may affect their usability. This extends the life of the card, allowing it to be recoded over and over. And, of course, fewer ruined hotel key cardsmeans fewer cards the hotel must replace! Our envelopes are top quality. As always, you can expect only the best card products and accessories from CLS Plasticard, the best of plastic card printing online.
Advertising on key card sleeves
Our envelopes do much more than protect your keys--they are also another venue for advertising. Like the custom plastic key cards themselves, envelopes are the perfect opportunity for a business to get its logo and information in front of consumers eyes. Depending on the size and budget of the businesses you approach, you may be able to have the cost of your envelopes completely covered. That's because many businesses will simply pay your production costs for the privilege of placing their advertising on your envelopes. The same businesses that run advertising on branded key cards will see the envelope as a viable location for advertising, too.
Envelopes from the best plastic card printing company
Our large key card envelopes are designed to include hotel specifications, site maps, safety tips, room layout, local attractions and, of course, branded advertisements. Our large envelopes fold in half and have a slot on the inside to hold the plastic hotel cards. Each has 4 printable sides: front, inside left, inside right and back. Large envelopes are available in 32 pound kraft or 65 pound velum paper (velum is thicker and thus higher quality.)
Should you have any questions about our products at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us at We aim to provide the highest service standard of all plastic card printers online. Let us prove it to you! |
Are you looking for an easy way to purchase your key card sleeves?
Cardjett is pleased to announce we have set up shops on Amazon and eBay for your convenience. We have included all of our key card envelopes, cleaning cards, blank plastic card inventory, and much more. Feel free to check us out.